Coral Tax Consulting

Personal Income Tax Consulting Services

A niche personal income tax planning and compliance consultancy

Coral combines expertise in tax legislation and practice with an intimate knowledge of the aviation sector. The consultancy is focused on aviation personnel, specialising in the taxation of foreign remuneration.

Our areas of expertise:

Income tax obligations of aviation professionals
Section 10(1)(o)(ii) exemption of foreign remuneration 
Tax residency matters
Application of double tax agreements
Taxation of trust structures
Objection, appeal and dispute resolution processes
Tax clearance certificate applications



A range of income tax compliance services, including registration, provisional and annual returns, objections, appeals and related processes. Expertise in the taxation of South African residents foreign remuneration and the application of the country’s double tax agreements.


Arranging clients affairs to make the best use of tax exemptions, deductions and benefits to minimise their tax liability within the legislative framework. Ensuring financial plans are working in the most tax-efficient manner possible.


Processing of accounting data, custody of records and the preparation of IFRS SME compliant financial statements and other statutory reports for clients’ trusts.

Services are provided in accordance with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants’ Code of Professional Conduct